General Programme 2021
At Beta, quality has a simple, concrete meaning: “that whi ch fully satisfies the nee ds and expectations of th e p rofess io n al users who rely on ou r products as an irreplaceab le wor k in g instrument”. Tools ar e not only designed and ma nufacture d correctly to fulfil a ne ed, but they must guaran t ee repea t performances consis tently over time. At Beta, quality goes beyond a merely attent iv e indust r ia l and sales policy, to permeate every company d ivision, driving us all to ach ieve increasingly ambitious goals i n terms of customer s atisfaction. Beta has buil t it s histo r y on this very concept.
Bet a quality, o ur most conc rete proof
The qual ity of Beta to ol s is a synergy of age-o ld techniqu es and new technologi es .
Since 1995 our production processes have complied with the ISO 9001 Quality System standards
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