Beta Abrasives Catalogue 2023

The Beta Abrasives project was launched in late 2018, when Pian Camuno (BS) based AbraBeta, a market leader in the production of hard abrasives, was taken over.


Beta Utensili is Italy’s leader in the design and production of professional working tools and instruments. Established in 1939, it has grown into a group with over 900 staff, men and women employed in 8 factories in Italy and in 11 commercial branches in Europe, Asia and South America as well as in the subsidiaries. The Company relies on eleven branches and over 250 distributors to be active in the international market, thereby reaching professional users worldwide, with a catalogue comprising over 15,000 coded items.

Abra Beta, established in the province of Brescia in 1975, is a market leader in the production of resin bond reinforced abrasives for grinding and cutting all types of materials and shaft-mounted wheels. Productive capacity, which has been growing non-stop, currently exceeds 100,000 pieces a day, manufactured in Pian Camuno’s production facilities, which employ over 100 staff. AbraBeta is a member of the Organization for the Safety of Abrasives (OSA), which testifies to the Company’s attention to the safety of end users.

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